Jakarta - The successor to the Samsung Galaxy S7 actually will be launched in 2017, but rumors about this phone is already wandering. The rumour is, Galaxy S8 will have a more sleek screen.
Site from China, Mydream, write reports obtained from various sources about the features that will be taken by the Galaxy S8. Mentioned this phone will carry the code name Project Dream.
Some improvement will be pinned on a mobile phone Samsung flagshipnya it. The screen will carry the 4K resolution. This was done in order to maximize the experience of virtual reality (VR).
Galaxy S8 is touted to be carrying the Google platform Daydream. VR platform has been introduced at the event Google I / O 2016 in May. Other news this phone will embed dual camera on the back.
Unknown function of the dual cameras, whether for a wide angle such as LG G5, presenting RGB sensor and monocrome like Huawei P9 or even something new. But certainly this dual Kamea will be made by Samsung Motors or Semco.
As they had done before, the Galaxy S8 will debut at Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, Spain. This means that this phone will be launched in February next year, as reported on page Knowyourmobile, Wednesday (07/27/2016).